Babby the dragon

The dragon
by Oliver Bachmann
Feeling lost in a world of conspiracy theories and political turmoil? Babby offers a beacon of hope.
This powerful new book:
Helps loved ones trapped by QAnon and cult-like thinking
Reconnects you with your authentic self
Reignites passion for democracy in uncertain times
Whether you're worried about someone close to you, searching for your inner child, or concerned about the state of our democracy, Babby provides insight and inspiration.
Don't let misinformation win. Rediscover truth, compassion, and civic values.
Get Babby today and start the journey back to reality.
In chronological order
Further characters
dumptys Make tic tac
fish can fly
A short summary of the plot
Part 1
Babby and Archy
Part 1
Babby and Archy
Babby is on the search for the rainbows. Archy is on the search for the sun.
Part 2
Summody and light being
Part 2
Summody and light being
Summody is an encharming woman, who, on the way to new forests, looses sight with her eagle.
Part 3
Part 3
Coopa and Archy
High up are located Coopa's castles of airs. He allows one of his unicorns to leave the interior of the castle of air.
Part 4
Babby and Mundee
Part 4
Babby and Mundee
Babby gets to know a new mermaid, who lives inside a lake. Unfortunately he cannot take her with him to the top.
Part 5
Archy and Pallitchy
Part 5
Archy and Pallitchy
Pallitchy is a super philosopher, who normally carries through jumps through the air in a pink desert. By accident Archy and Pallitchy get to know each other on a bridge.
Part 6
Part 6
We can't tell you more here, except that the rest of the story is at least 50% of the book.
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Frequently asked questions
The real story behind the book
Chapter 1: The Dance and the Discovery
The clamor of New York's streets dimmed as the members of a renowned dance troupe gathered in their studio. They buzzed with excitement when their instructor announced a prestigious engagement in Germany, specifically in Darmstadt. Among them was Isabelle, a young dancer whose mesmerizing moves often captured hearts. Her father, always supportive, started searching online to arrange accommodations and soon found a promising bed and breakfast for her.
Upon arriving in Darmstadt, Isabelle took in the picturesque old city with its narrow alleys and historically rich architecture. The Council House stood out prominently. It wasn’t just the grandeur of the structure that made it significant but also the clock adorning it. The clock had a dual purpose - not just to tell time but also to mark the beginning of many marital journeys as couples exchanged vows under its gaze..
During her initial days, Isabelle's culinary curiosity led her to a local natural food store. Oliver, a resident of Darmstadt, worked there. He had blond hair and a quiet demeanor. Their first meeting was a mix of comedy and curiosity when Isabelle mistakenly converted the price of spaghetti. Their brief chat left an impression on both..
The next day, fate had them cross paths again. This time, she left Oliver with a phone number scribbled on a piece of paper..
The evening sun cast a golden hue on the Council House when Oliver waited outside the theater to see Isabelle. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, moving from dance to books. Isabelle recommended two reads to Oliver: the spiritual text of a religious book and a work by Hermann Hesse..
Driven by knowledge about religious sects from his ethics class in school, Oliver wandered into a local esoteric bookstore. Among the myriad titles, a book called "Enlightenment Trap" by Mr. Horn drew his attention. It spoke of the inner child and various paths one can take in life, like might, religion, fame, and others. The depth of the material made Oliver reflect on his own journey..
Some days later, Oliver's curiosity about spirituality led him to a spiritual center in Heidelberg. The atmosphere was intoxicating with devotion. Among the entranced devotees, he saw Isabelle. They shared a moment of surprise and connection. Their subsequent meetings revolved around spirituality, dance, and the intrinsic beauty of Darmstadt..
Isabelle's stay in Darmstadt was coming to an end. On their last meeting, Oliver gifted her an English translation of a book he had worked on..
As days turned to weeks, Isabelle found herself feeling increasingly lost. The weight of her experiences, the people she'd met, and the myriad of spiritual teachings she'd encountered seemed to pull her in different directions. One evening, as she was trying to find some calm amidst the chaos, the haunting lyrics of Alanis Morissette's song "Baba" echoed in her ears: the questioning tone, the introspection, and the profound theme of "How long will it take..." resonated deeply with her current state of mind..
She played the song on repeat, each time drawing new meaning and strength from it. It reminded her of her conversations with Oliver, of their shared quest for understanding, and of the multifaceted paths to enlightenment. The line "How much longer 'til you completely absolve me?" particularly struck a chord with her. What was she really searching for? What was the essence of her journey?.
Amidst these reflections, Isabelle remembered the English translation of the book Oliver had gifted her. Even though she had lost the physical copy, its teachings and messages were imprinted in her heart. Oliver's words and Morissette's lyrics combined to offer a guiding light. They reminded her of the diverse paths one can take, the importance of self-awareness, and the beauty of every journey. With this newfound clarity, Isabelle made a conscious decision to not get swayed by external influences but to listen to her inner voice and chart her own spiritual path..
Chapter 2: In the natural health food store
Oliver and Isabelle sat at a table in the snack bar of the natural health food store. Oliver held a small toy rabbit with visible gears a customer once had forgotten. Curiously, he wound it up and placed it on the table, watching as it hopped a few steps forward before coming to a halt.
Isabelle: That's an interesting toy you have there. Does it always stop after a few steps?
Oliver: Yes, once the energy from the winding up is depleted, it stops. It's predictable and controlled.
Isabelle: It's a little like life, isn't it? We're all wound up with energy and then at some point, we stop. But unlike the rabbit, our paths aren't always so predictable.
Oliver: That's true. By the way, I've always wanted to ask... I've heard you're part of a sect, right?
Isabelle: Yes, I am. It's a community that I've found solace in. It's given me purpose.
Oliver: Oh, that's interesting. Do they have any dietary restrictions?
Isabelle: We do, actually. Vegetarianism is one of our core beliefs. Do you eat meat, Oliver?
Oliver, hesitating for a moment and thinking about his past meals but not wanting to disappoint or offend Isabelle, replied: Yes, I'm a vegetarian too.
Isabelle: That's wonderful! It's nice to know there are others out there who share similar values.
Oliver: Yes... (realizing that he might now have to uphold this claim to maintain the trust in the conversation) Absolutely.
They sat in silence for a moment, watching the sun set. Oliver took the rabbit toy again, winding it up.
Oliver: You know, Isabelle, looking at this rabbit with gears... It makes me think. It can be wound up and stopped on command. It's bound by its mechanical nature. But human lives, like yours and mine, are far more complex. Especially when it comes to beliefs and the paths we choose.
Isabelle: What do you mean?
Oliver: Well, like this rabbit, once you're wound up in something like a sect, it might be harder for you to just stop or change direction. It can pull you in, and the deeper you get, the harder it becomes to get out. The rabbit's situation is under control, but for humans, especially when they're part of something intense like a sect, it might not be so easy to just halt.
Isabelle: I've chosen this path and I'm happy with it. But I see your point. It's not always easy to change our lives once we're deeply committed to something. But isn't that the case with many things in life? Jobs, relationships, habits?
Oliver: Absolutely. All I'm saying is that it's essential to be aware of our choices, so we don’t find ourselves feeling trapped or stuck. Just like how I now have to be a vegetarian. (smiling sheepishly)
Isabelle: (giggling) True that! Well, I hope you enjoy the world of greens and beans.
Oliver: I will, I promise. And remember, always be like the rabbit: aware of your gears and in control.
Isabelle smiled, taking the lesson to heart as they continued their conversation, diving deep into the choices that shape our lives.
Chapter 3: European Sojourns and Bittersweet Goodbyes
Isabelle's heart yearned for more adventures, and Europe beckoned with its vast history and diverse cultures. After her spiritual journey in Darmstadt, she headed north to Sweden. Here, in the midst of icy landscapes and the warm summer sun, she reunited with an old friend, Elina. Their bond was immediate, and together they set off on a whirlwind journey..
Paris was their first stop. The city of lights had always been on Isabelle's bucket list. They marveled at the architecture, indulged in French cuisine, and even tried speaking in broken French, much to the amusement of the locals. But as enchanting as Paris was, it was in the Netherlands that Isabelle experienced something truly transformative..
While in Amsterdam, Oliver joined her. The city's canals, tulips, and laid-back aura made for a perfect backdrop. It was here, during a lazy evening at a local café, that Isabelle met Jasper, a Dutch student with deep blue eyes and an infectious laugh. There was an immediate and intense connection between them, something that didn’t escape Oliver's notice. He found himself grappling with a mixture of emotions, the most prominent being a hint of envy. Isabelle's dynamic with Jasper was different, and it was evident she was exploring an aspect of herself she hadn't before..
Both were going to spend days wandering the streets, visiting museums, and sharing stories. Oliver received the news he had been anticipating yet dreading: it was time to commence his civil service. Torn between duty and desire, he chose the path of responsibility. At the hospital, he would be assisting, learning, and growing, yet a part of him would always remain in Amsterdam..
In his moments of solitude, Oliver began penning a story. It was about 'Babby', a dragon, and a unicorn, inspired by the slow melodies from the Album "Melon Collie and the infinite sadness" by the Smashing Pumpkins. The narrative was his escape, his way of processing the complex emotions he felt about Isabelle's evolving relationship with Jasper and his own evolving sense of self..
A week later, Isabelle returned to Darmstadt. She wasn't alone. Jasper, engrossed in a book Oliver had given him about societal systems, accompanied her. They had plans to journey to Venice. Isabelle was particularly excited about this leg of their journey. The black gondolas navigating the narrow canals fascinated her. In a land where everything was vast and sprawling like the USA, Venice’s intimate, maze-like waterways offered a contrasting charm..
Time flew, and soon it was time for Isabelle to head back to New York. The drive to the airport was heavy with unspoken emotions. As Oliver watched her plane take off, he knew that this might be the last time he'd see Isabelle in Germany. Yet, he also knew that their stories, however separate, would always be intertwined in the pages of 'Babby'.
Chapter 4: An Unexpected Arrival
Months after their parting, Oliver was surprised by a letter in his mailbox. It bore the familiar, graceful handwriting of Isabelle. Opening it, he found an invitation to visit her in the USA. Eager for a reunion, he immediately made arrangements for his journey.
However, two days before his departure, a phone call from Isabelle brought with it a revelation: she had a new boyfriend. The surprise was jarring, but Oliver, trying to be pragmatic, saw his upcoming journey as a chance to explore a new country and perhaps mend the bridges between him and Isabelle.
His journey, however, was far from smooth. First, due to booking issues with the airline, Oliver had to postpone his flight, opting for a later one which came with a coupon as compensation. Then, at Great Britain's airport, a series of delays caused him to miss his connecting flight to the USA. The plane he eventually boarded was predominantly filled with Indian passengers, and Oliver couldn't help but reflect on the irony, considering his prior discussions with Isabelle about Indian sects.
Landing at John F. Kennedy Airport, night had already enveloped New York City. At the customs desk, an officious officer eyed Oliver's declaration form, filled out with an erasable pen. Pointing it out, he made Oliver redo the form with a regular pen. Given that Oliver had already fumbled through multiple forms during his flight, this was a tedious task. As he finally handed over the completed form, the officer ominously remarked, "I hope I don't see you back in this country under different circumstances."
Emerging from the terminal, the dazzling lights and sounds of New York City overwhelmed Oliver. An individual calling out "Taxi!" caught his attention. Without giving it a second thought, Oliver found himself in a plush limousine, assuming it to be a standard American taxi service. As the city's skyline passed by, Oliver felt a mix of anticipation and anxiety about his upcoming encounter with Isabelle.
His relief at reaching his destination, a youth hostel, was short-lived. The limousine driver, with an accusatory tone, pointed out that Oliver had handed over a 1-dollar bill instead of a 20-dollar one. To his horror, Oliver realized he had inadvertently spent nearly all his money on this lavish ride.
Distraught, he entered the hostel, recounting his misadventure to the inhabitants. Touched by his situation, they pitched in, collecting enough for him to stay the night and make a vital phone call. As he dialed, the ringing on the other end seemed interminable. Finally, a voice answered - it was Isabelle's new boyfriend. The stage was set for Oliver's most challenging reunion yet.
Chapter 5: Dancing Through The City’s Heartbeat
Oliver's initial conversation with Isabelle's new boyfriend was short and mildly disheartening. The curt words and the underlying implication that he wasn't exactly welcomed was something Oliver hadn't expected. But there was an entire city out there waiting for him, and he was determined to make the most of it. Though Oliver had considered traveling through the country on his father's suggestion of taking a Greyhound bus, something kept pulling him back to New York. It was as if the city, with its pulsating energy, had ensnared him in its allure. His first reunion with Isabelle was during a massive dance presentation showcasing multiple dance studios. The choreography was intense, passionate, and electrifying. Oliver was awestruck by the raw talent displayed before him. The highlight, however, was the reduced price for entry, courtesy of the gracious female director. As the performance drew to a close, an aftershow party was in full swing. Oliver, with his foreign charm, was a magnet for new encounters. A particularly intriguing conversation was struck up with a juggler who spun tales of his travels, while in the backdrop, Isabelle and her new partner flitted around like butterflies. Amidst the hubbub, Oliver overheard some Germans seated behind him, debating the merits of the performance they had just witnessed. The next meeting with Isabelle was in Chinatown. They crossed paths unexpectedly at an Asian food store, and the moment was charged with unsaid words and nostalgia. They decided to spend some time together and found themselves dining in an intimate Chinese restaurant, reminiscing about their adventures in Europe. On another day, downtown offered them a chance encounter. Oliver, having learned about the vibrant indie dance scene in the city, decided to pitch in with some tasks at one of the locations. In exchange for arranging seats and doing some minor work, he was given access to the performance alongside the dancers. The evening culminated with a celebration – a party for the dancers commemorating their studio's first anniversary. The atmosphere was heady, and in the spirit of the night, Oliver tried to strike a flirtatious conversation with one of the dancers. But before it could progress, he was intercepted by a tall, charismatic female African dancer who, with a keen interest, barraged Oliver with questions. The city had thrown Oliver into a whirlwind of experiences. And as the days melted away, he realized that sometimes, the journey and the people met along the way mattered more than the destination itself.
Chapter 6: Whirlwinds and Farewells in The Big Apple
As the days progressed, Isabelle’s new friend began to pick up on the subtle nuances that suggested Oliver was more than just an old friend to Isabelle. The prolonged conversations, meaningful glances, and intricate histories they shared made it clear that there was more beneath the surface than he had originally understood. Isabelle, during a moment of candor away from her friend, hinted to Oliver that her parents might find his charm irresistible, even if she had moved on. This led to an invitation to dinner with her family, where Oliver was introduced to a tantalizing array of Vietnamese dishes. Through casual conversation, he discovered that Isabelle came from a Jewish family, and her mother worked at AT&T. She even invited Oliver to come to her workplace, though due to the emotions and distractions of New York, he never found the opportunity. Isabelle later suggested a movie night with "Boys Don't Cry". However, Oliver, feeling the weight of his journey, declined, finding the movie's themes too intense for his current state. Their evening turned out quiet, both lost in their own maze of thoughts. The situation turned bureaucratic when Isabelle showed Oliver a distressing letter from the German "Finanzamt". They had denied her a significant refund, which seemed to add to the weight she was already carrying. Unexpectedly, Isabelle's friend, still unaware of the depth of Oliver’s feelings, offered him a spot at his apartment. With the absence of one of the co-renters, it appeared more appealing than the youth hostel. Gratefully, Oliver moved in. However, as the reality of Oliver’s emotions became evident, tensions arose, and he found himself quickly evicted. The friend, not completely heartless, directed Oliver towards a youth hostel near the Bronx, an area known for affordability. In the Bronx, at the youth hostel, Oliver's nights were filled with moments of reflection. He shared a night with a girl, their gazes fixed upon the moon, spinning tales about the universe. A chance encounter with a German architect student, who soon disappeared with his skater friends into Central Park, was another fleeting connection in the city that never sleeps. On Oliver’s penultimate day, a peculiar incident occurred with a Jew looking for his "Bändchen" (wristband). Full of engaging stories, the man managed to persuade Oliver to lend him some money for an alleged photoshoot near Central Park. When Oliver visited the site the next day, the buzzing scene of models and photographers awaited him, but the Jewish man had vanished. With his journey in New York coming to an end, Oliver spent his last money on his trip back to the airport. On his way, an Italian girl noticed the art in a book Oliver had with him, leading to a short yet meaningful conversation. Also a Christ offered comfort on Earth Day. As Oliver left New York, he mused on relationships, the unpredictable nature of the city, and the patchwork of stories that had woven into his journey.
Frequently asked questions
When was the book written?
Is there a release date?
According to B.O.D. July, 1st 2011
What is the meaning of the sun?
There are many meanings for the sun in different cultures. In many cultures, the sun is seen as a symbol for life and energy. In other cultures, the sun is viewed as a symbol for enlightenment and knowledge.
Enlightenment is a state of consciousness in which one attains a deep understanding of oneself and the world around them. It is a state of freedom from suffering and ignorance.
There are many paths to enlightenment, but not all are correct or effective. Some paths can even be harmful and lead to more suffering. It is important to find the right path to enlightenment and to pursue it with patience and perseverance.
In the story of Babby the Dragon, one can see that the search for the sun is a metaphor for the quest for enlightenment. Babby had to overcome many obstacles and go down many false paths before he understood Archy. He did not give up and continued to fight.
What are the topics of the book?
Babby the Dragon is a book that explores various themes and messages that are relevant and meaningful for readers of all ages. One of the main themes of the book is imagination, and how it can transform reality and create new possibilities. The book shows how Babby uses his imagination to overcome his loneliness and boredom, and to find his rainbows. The book also shows how imagination can inspire creativity, curiosity and learning, as Babby and his friends discover new things and create new stories. Another theme of the book is spirituality, and how it can connect people to themselves, to others and to the universe. The book shows how Summody discovers different spiritual beings and experiences, such as angels, unicorns, light beings and dragons. The book also shows how spirituality can foster love, compassion and wisdom, as Babby and his friends learn to respect and appreciate each other and their differences. A third theme of the book is science, and how it can explain and enhance the wonders of nature and life. The book shows how Babby and his friends learn about the scientific facts and theories behind the phenomena they encounter, such as rainbows, suns, planets and stars. Rainbows are a symbol of hope and a brighter future in literature. They are often seen as a way to bring beauty into the world and to inspire people to look for the good in life.
In the story of Babby the Dragon, rainbows could be seen as a metaphor for moments of happiness or joy that are fleeting but still worth experiencing. The book also shows how science can coexist and complement spirituality, as Babby and his friends realize that there is more to reality than what they see or know.For instance, the little helpers by Miss Yearning are the female friends of the angels who are responsible for providing enough energy to the castles of air.
This could be seen as a metaphor for how science and spirituality can work together to create a better understanding of the world around us. Science can help us understand the physical world, while spirituality can help us understand the deeper meaning behind it.
These are some of the themes that make Babby the Dragon a rich and captivating book that will inspire and delight readers of all backgrounds and interests.
What are the neuronal implications of the little helpers?
Bachmann's Babby the Dragon is a fictional work that incorporates the concept of the little helpers, who are the shadows of the Angels of Coopa, a Lord in heaven. Unlike the patriarchic Angels, these matriarchic entities provide energy and illuminate spaces. We will explore how this metaphor can be related to the functioning of the human brain and the role of neurological pathways in cognitive processes.
Matriarchic Energy Providers: A Neurological Perspective
The metaphor of the little helpers as matriarchic energy providers suggests a unique perspective on the brain's energy dynamics. The human brain consumes a significant amount of energy, utilizing approximately 20% of the body's total energy expenditure. This energy is required for the maintenance of neuronal function, synaptic transmission, and other essential processes.
The matriarchic energy providers in Bachmann's work could represent the essential components of the brain's energy production system, such as mitochondria, astrocytes, and the blood-brain barrier. These components work together to ensure a constant supply of glucose, oxygen, and other essential nutrients to the brain, allowing it to function efficiently and maintain cognitive processes.
Shadows of Angels of Coopa: Implications for Brain Connectivity and Function
The little helpers in Babby the Dragon are described as shadows of the Angels of Coopa. This element of the metaphor can be interpreted in terms of the intricate connections and interactions within the human brain. The brain is composed of billions of neurons that form complex networks, allowing for communication and coordination between different regions.
These interconnected networks can be thought of as the shadows of the Angels of Coopa, working together to facilitate various cognitive functions. Each neuronal connection could represent a little helper, illuminating pathways within the brain and contributing to our mental abilities.
The Matriarchic-Patriarchic Dichotomy: A Balancing Act in the Brain
The contrast between the matriarchic energy providers and the patriarchic Angels in Babby the Dragon may symbolize the delicate balance within the brain. The human brain is composed of two hemispheres, each responsible for different cognitive functions. The left hemisphere, often associated with analytical and logical thinking, can be likened to the patriarchic Angels, while the right hemisphere, responsible for creativity and intuition, could be represented by the matriarchic energy providers.
The metaphor of the little helpers as shadows of the Angels of Coopa in Oliver Bachmann's Babby the Dragon provides an intriguing perspective on the human brain's functionality. The matriarchic energy providers can be seen as critical components of the brain's energy production system, while the shadows of the Angels of Coopa represent the complex neuronal networks that facilitate cognitive processes. This metaphor also highlights the delicate balance between the brain's two hemispheres, emphasizing the importance of maintaining harmony in our cognitive abilities.
What is the groundbreaking idea in Babby the Dragon?
The groundbreaking idea in this book is the creation of huge glass spheres in which animals can live together safely and harmoniously. These spheres protect them from environmental disasters and promote mutual love and understanding.
Where can these glass spheres be built?
The glass spheres can be built in the air, underwater, and underground.
What benefits do the glass spheres offer to the animals?
The glass spheres offer protection, security, freedom, and an environment where animals can choose their way of life. They also enable better communication and understanding among the animals.
What's the deal with the balloon hearts?
The balloon hearts symbolize the love and joy that arise within the glass spheres and are spread to the world.
How does life in the glass spheres compare to life in forests and caves?
Life in the glass spheres is perceived as more pleasant and inspiring. Mathematics becomes exciting, communication improves, and new possibilities emerge, such as the invention of electricity.
What does infinity mean in this context?
Infinity represents the unlimited potential of the animals in the glass spheres to acquire new skills and knowledge, as well as the infinite energy they can harness.
How do the glass spheres promote animals' freedom of choice?
The glass spheres offer animals the freedom to choose their environment and the opportunity to decide for or against certain developments and technologies. This freedom arises from the joint development and collaboration of the animals.
In the quaint town of Belvista, every street corner, every cafe, every park bench was buzzing with one topic: the B.A.B.B.Y. enigma. A cryptic message, simply the acronym "B.A.B.B.Y.", had appeared overnight on the town's central monument. And, as sunlight dappled its mysterious letters, the residents were enraptured, each attempting to decode its meaning.
Martha and the Victorian Babby:
Martha, the town's historian, was certain it was a nod to the Victorian era. "It's obvious," she exclaimed, sipping her Earl Grey, "It stands for 'Bygone Ages Bring Bygone Yesteryears.' It's an invitation to remember and revel in our history!"
Professor Klein and the Musical Interpretation:
Over in Belvista University, Professor Klein was teaching a class on classical composers when the news reached him. "B.A.B.B.Y.," he mused aloud, "Be Amadeus, Be Bach... Why? It's clearly a message about the universality and timelessness of music. Someone wants us to embrace the musical greats!"
Daisy’s '80s Spin:
Daisy, the local radio DJ, had a different, groovier take. As someone deeply in love with the '80s, she believed it was a nudge towards the iconic love songs of the era. "It's 'Be Always, Be Beside Your...,' and then it's open-ended, waiting for us to fill in the emotion. It's a reminder of the passionate love stories of the '80s!"
Crazy Carl’s Extraterrestrial Theory:
Then there was Crazy Carl, known for his wild ideas. "B.A.B.B.Y. is an alien message!" he declared to anyone who'd listen. "It's 'Beings Above, Beyond, By You.' They're among us, and this is their hello!"
The Reveal:
Weeks passed, theories multiplied. The town was divided into teams, each passionately defending their interpretation. That was until little Timmy, a 6-year-old with a mischievous glint in his eye, stood before the monument one evening.
With the entire town gathered, he pulled out a small remote and pressed a button. The monument transformed, revealing a project he'd been working on with his older sister, a robotics student. The letters B.A.B.B.Y. now stood for "Belvista’s Automated, Bubble-Blowing Yardbot," a delightful machine that began to fill the air with iridescent bubbles.
The town laughed, cheered, and marveled at the creation. They realized the fun wasn't just in finding the "correct" answer but in the imaginative journey they all shared.
And so, Belvista learned that sometimes, the wildest interpretations make for the best stories.
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